For Authors The
Editorial Board of The Journal of Applied Research is interested
in reviewing manuscripts in all areas of medicine, from Allergy/Immunology, Anesthesiology,
Cardiology and Clinical Pharmacology to Radiology, Rheumatology, Surgery, Transplantation
and Urology. Papers
submitted for consideration for publication in The Journal of Applied Research
will be reviewed by at least two expert members of the Editorial Review Board
with appropriate credentials and expertise in the specific topic covered. On
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links under the "Information for Authors" section for complete author
guidelines and submission requirements. The
Journal of Applied Research invites submission of clinical and laboratory research manuscripts in
all areas of medicine. The sole criterion for publishing is scientific accuracy.
invite anyone who is involved in research in any relevant area to submit his or
her manuscript for review. The Journal of Applied Research is committed
to rapid review and publication. Your manuscript will
be published, once accepted, within 120 days of acceptance by our board.
you have any questions, please submit them thru our website, www.jarcet.com or email editor@jarcet.com |
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