Volume 7, Number 3
The Journal of Applied Research
Table of Contents
204 Treatment of Anorexia and Weight Loss with Concentrated Megestrol
Acetate in Patients Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Peter P. Toth, MD, PhD
206 Safety and Efficacy of Two Preparations of Megestrol Acetate in HIVInfected
Individuals with Weight Loss in Africa, India, and the United States
Christine Wanke, MD; Jodi Gutierrez, BA; Allan Kristensen, MS; Laureen
MacEarchern, PhD, MPH
217 Validation of a Prion and Virus Purification Process in the Manufacture of
Bovine Thrombin
Abdel Terrab, MS; Dan Pawlak, BA
227 A Woman with Long-Standing Hypertension Diagnosed with Metastatic
Adrenal Carcinoma
Mir A. Alikhan, MD; Frank J. Pikul, MD; Peter P. Toth, MD, PhD
233 Comparative Analysis of Hospital-Acquired and Community-Acquired
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains in a Tertiary Care Medical Center
Usamah Hadi, MD; Mira Chaar, MS; Rola F. Jaafar, MS; Ghassan M. Matar, PhD
238 Clinical Outcomes after Lower Extremity Revascularization: A Comparison
of Epidural and General Anesthesia
Thomas M. Dodds, MD; Mary P. Fillinger, MD; Daniel B. Walsh, MD; Stephen D.
Surgenor, MD; Douglas Mandel, MD; Mark P. Yeager, MD
250 Effect of Denture Wearing on Occurrence of Candida Species
in the Oral Cavity
Hiroyuki Mizugai, DDS, PhD; Emiko Isogai; Kimiharu Hirose; Itsuo Chiba
255 Core Muscle Activity During Exercise on a Mini Stability Ball Compared
With Abdominal Crunches on the Floor and on a Swiss Ball
Jerrold S. Petrofsky, PhD; Jennifer Batt, BS; Nicceta Davis, PhD; Everett Lohman, DPT
Sc, DSc; Michael Laymon, DPT Sc,DSc; Gerson E. De Leon, BS; Heidi Roark, BS;