patients with Pa r k i n s o n 's disease (based on
a prev i o u s ly published criteria).
C a b e rgoline was well-tolerated across all
age groups, part i c u l a r ly in older patients,
with an acceptable side-effect profile and
sustained clinical benefit. In particular there
were no flagged cases with serosal fi b r o s i s
r e p o rted from this patient base. This study
indicates that there is a role for the use of
dopamine agonists amongst older people.
This study indicates that there is a role for the
use of dopamine agonists in older people.
A key issue in the management of
Pa r k i n s o n 's disease (PD) is to avoid age-
related bias in treatment as outlined in the
National Service Fr a m ework document for
older people in the UK.
An ev i d e n c e - b a s e d
therapeutic decision to treat the elderly
patient with a dopamine agonist is ham-
Use and Tolerability of Cabergoline
in Young and Older People
with Parkinson's Disease:
A M u l t i - C e n t e r Observational Study
Linda S Appiah-Kubi, MBBS
Angus Nisbet, PhD, MRCP
David J Burn, MD, FRCP
Alison Forbes, RGN
Una Brechany, RGN
Frauke Stegie, RGN
Andrea Stutt, RGN
K Ray Chaudhuri, MD, FRCP
St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.
Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, UK.
Newcastle General Hospital , UK.
Regional Movement Disorders Unit, University Department of Neurology, King's College
Hospital, London, UK.
University Hospital Lewisham, London, UK.
K E Y WORDS: c a b e rgoline; Pa r k i n s o n 's
disease; elderly; tolerability; dopamine
a g o n i s t .
In the older patient with Pa r k i n s o n 's disease,
dopamine agonists are often underu s e d
because of a perceived notion of poor toler-
ability secondary to side eff e c t s .
C a b e rgoline is an ergot dopamine agonist
with the longest half-life of its class, and,
therefore, eff e c t ive given once daily. T h i s
contrasts with most other dopamine ago-
nists, which require initial dose titration, and
multiple doses throughout the day.
In this UK-based, retrospective, case
s u rvey involving 4 tert i a ry referr a l
M ovement Disorder Centers, we report on
the tolerability profile of cabergoline used
as adjunctive therapy or monotherapy in 331
Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003 · The Journal of Applied Research
pered by the fact that most clinical trials
concentrate on age ranges from 59 to 64
years and include patients with little co-
m o r b i d i t y. This issue has been highlighted
in a recent critique by Albin and Fr ey, wh o
comment that "results obtained from these
subject groups may not be applicable to
m a ny elderly PD patients."
The increasing
use of dopamine agonists as monotherapy or
a d j u n c t ive therapy in older people with PD
represents a major policy shift because:
(a) such practice will considerably increase
the cost of treating patients with PD in the
s h o rt term, and (b) it is widely believed that
use of dopamine agonists in the elderly is
fraught with side effects, notably neuropsy-
chiatric problems and postural hy p o t e n s i o n .
3 - 7
By defining tolerability of an agonist
by sustained use of the drug for 6 months or
l o n g e r, Shulman and colleagues
r e p o rt e d
that dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, per-
golide, ropinirole, and pramipexole) we r e
r e l a t ive ly well-tolerated in the ve ry elderly
(> 80 years of age
) even as monotherapy,
and highlighted the fact the agonists may be
u n d e rused in the elderly. Cabergoline, an
e rgot deriva t ive dopamine D2 receptor ago-
nist with a half-life of 68 hours, was not,
h oweve r, included in this study. Owing to its
long half-life, in clinical practice caberg o-
line need only be given once a day, in com-
parison to other agonists, which usually
require 3-times-a-day dosing.
In this multi-center observational UK-
based study, we report the effi c a cy and tol-
erability of cabergoline in an unselected
c o h o rt of older PD patients (
65 years of
age) compared with younger PD patients (<
65 years of age). A d d i t i o n a l ly, we comment
on the use of cabergoline monotherapy in
the young and older people with PD and its
s i d e - e ffect profile. We believe this is the
first study exploring the tolerability of
c a b e rgoline in older people with PD under
"real-life" conditions. Cabergoline was cho-
sen because clinical experience in the UK
suggests that this is a commonly used
dopamine agonist. In addition, we wanted to
explore the widely held beliefs that older
people are often intolerant to dopamine ago-
nists and that once-daily dosing leads to
increasing compliance in PD.
Three hundred and thirty-one PD patients
treated with cabergoline between 1996 and
October 31, 2001, were identified from the
r egional databases of four UK Move m e n t
Disorder tert i a ry referral centers; King's
C o l l ege Hospital and University Hospital of
L ewisham, London (n = 232), Royal Sussex
County Hospital, Brighton (n = 48), and
N ewcastle General Hospital, Newcastle
(n = 42). All patients with a diagnosis of
idiopathic Pa r k i n s o n 's disease (satisfying the
UK PD Brain Bank criteria
) and at least
one trial of cabergoline were included,
encompassing a wide range of age, disease
s eve r i t y, and other/previous PD treatment.
These PD patients constitute an unselected
group of patients offered treatment with
c a b e rgoline by 3 experienced movement dis-
order specialists (authors KRC, DJB, and
AN) based on clinical experience, assess-
ment, and local practice. At King's Colleg e
and Lewisham Hospitals, cabergoline thera-
py was instituted with domperidone cove r
but not at the other centers, as the use of
domperidone as a prophylactic anti-nausea
agent was dependent on clinicians' p r e f e r-
ence. A flex i ble titration regimen was used,
p r ogressing from a starting dose of 0.5 mg
to 1 mg once daily to a mean maintenance
dose of 4 mg once daily within 1 month in
younger patients, and over 2 to 3 months in
e l d e r ly patients. Patients were followe d - u p
on an outpatient basis at regular intervals of
3 to 6 months, and effi c a cy of medication
was routinely reassessed with ensuing alter-
ations of dose or, if necessary, drug type.
The mean follow-up period was 25.78
months. Records were analyzed retrospec-
t ive ly for details of disease subtype and
s eve r i t y, dose and duration of caberg o l i n e
treatment, side effects of cabergoline treat-
ment and use other antiparkinsonian med-
ication. Data were collated using a standard
p r o f o rma and tabulated. For analysis, age
The Journal of Applied Research · Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003
was arbitrarily subdivided into 3 gr o u p s :
under 65 years (young), 65 to 74 years (eld-
e r ly), and 75 or older (ve ry elderly), unlike
Shulman et al, who used 80 years as the cut-
o ff age for ve ry elderly. Cabergoline treat-
ment was classed as tolerated if treatment
was sustained for 6 months or more (criteria
as used by Shulman et al).
Patients found to
be intolerant of cabergoline therapy (treat-
ment sustained for less than 6 months or
during follow-up period) were identified and
the cause of cabergoline failure documented.
Other details addressed in the assessment
included adverse events, part i c u l a r ly neu-
ropsychiatric side effects, somnolence, fi b r o-
s i s / r e s p i r a t o ry symptoms, and fa t i g u e .
Three hundred and thirty-one patients we r e
i d e n t i fied from the 3 regional databases. Of
these, 301 were selected for analysis on the
basis of at least 6 months' attempted treat-
ment with cabergoline. Patients were com-
pared in the 3 subgroups: young (age range
<65 years; n =139), elderly (age range, 65 to
75 years; n = 102) and ve ry elderly (age
range >75 years; n = 60). Demogr a p h i c
characteristics of the cohort are shown in
Ta ble 1. The patient group was representa-
t ive of a wide range of disease duration
(mean duration of disease, 8.76 ye a r s ;
range, 1 to 28 years) and severity (mean
Hoehn & Yahr score, 2.7; range 1 to 5) with
a spectrum of comorbidity.
Tolerability of Cabergoline
In the whole group, the mean once-daily
dose of cabergoline was 3.6 mg, ranging
from 0.5 mg to 12 mg. The mean duration
of treatment was 25.7 months (range, 0.25
to 150 months). The mean once-daily dose
of cabergoline was higher in younger PD
patients (4 mg) compared with ve ry elderly
PD patients (2.9) mg. Cabergoline was we l l
tolerated using a slow titration reg i m e n
( t h e r a py started with 0.5 mg/d of caberg o-
line, increasing the dose by 0.5 mg/d eve ry
2 weeks to 2 mg/d and thereafter increasing
by 1 mg/d, depending upon clinical
response) in the ve ry elderly (80%), elderly
(81.4%), and in the young (83.5%) as
d e fined by at least 6 months of sustained
treatment (Figure 1). Fo rty-eight patients
were on cabergoline monotherapy (16.3%
over 75 years) with 91.7% tolerance. In
12.9% of cases cabergoline was eff e c t ive in
patients intolerant of other agonists (per-
golide, bromocriptine, pramipexole, and
ropinirole) (Figure 2). Hallucinations we r e
r e p o rted by 11 patients, requiring discontin-
uation of cabergoline within a 6-month peri-
o d, rising to 16 patients during the entire
f o l l ow-up period. Overall 21% of patients
discontinued cabergoline during the obser-
vational period (1996-2001), with a mean
duration of treatment of 17.8 months before
d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n .
S t r a t i fication by age indicated that dis-
continuation rates were similar in diff e r e n t
Table 1. Demographic Details of Patients Included in the Cabergoline Tolerance
Observational Study. All Patients Under 65 to 74 75 years
65 years
and older
Number of patients
Mean Age/years (range)
64.4 (18 88)
54.8 (18 64)
69.2 (65 74)
78.6 (75 88)
Male:Female ratio
mean duration of
PD/years (range)
8.76 (1 28)
8.31 (1 28)
8.76 (1 23)
9.5 (1 27)
Mean Hoehn &
Yahr Score (range)
2.70 (1-5)
2.68 (1 5)
2.68 (1.5 5)
2.8 (2 5)
PD=Parkinson's disease
Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003 · The Journal of Applied Research
age groups: 20% in the ve ry elderly, 19.6%
in the elderly, and 15.82% in the yo u n g .
Reasons for discontinuation included
fatigue, ankle swelling (often unresponsive
to diuretics), psychosis, hallucinations (as
mentioned prev i o u s ly), postural hy p o t e n-
sion, and dizziness. In one case caberg o l i n e
was discontinued for intractable cough bu t
none was due to symptoms suggestive of
p u l m o n a ry fibrosis or heart failure. Pa t i e n t s
taking cabergoline at doses greater than 6
mg/d for over 1 year were screened for
fibrosis of lung and peritoneum; none we r e
r e p o rt e d .
The Journal of Applied Research · Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003
Figure 1.Tolerability of cabergoline in the whole patient group and patients subdivided into
young, elderly, and very elderly groups at 6 months and 1-year follow up.
Figure 2. Patients intolerant to alternative agonists who subsequently were treated cabergoline.
Crossed bars indicate number of patients who were also intolerant to cabergoline.
Fo rty-eight patients were on caberg o-
line monotherapy and had early Hoehn and
Yahr (HY) stages 1 to 2) disease. T h i rt y
patients with advanced disease (HY stages 3
to 4), severe levodopa-induced dyskinesias,
and who were unsuitable candidates for
deep brain surg e ry, were treated with a com-
bination of daytime subcutaneous apomor-
phine and evening dosing of cabergoline (to
treat nocturnal motor symptoms).
The key point emerging from this study is
that cabergoline is a we l l - t o l e r a t e d
dopamine agonist in older people with PD,
both as adjunctive therapy and monotherapy.
F u rt h e rmore, cabergoline may be eff e c t ive
in some cases when other conve n t i o n a l
dopamine agonists are not well tolerated. In
addition, our clinical observation suggests
that in some PD patients with severe lev-
odopa-induced dyskinesias, cabergoline may
be used successfully, combined with day-
time apomorphine infusion in order to
reduce levodopa dose and subjective report s
of dyskinesias. We have termed this the
"dual agonist" treatment.
1 0
Our data support and extend the obser-
vations made by Shulman et al
. A major
issue limiting the use of dopamine agonist
in older PD patient is the adve r s e - event pro-
file and lack of clinical trial data in older
people. A n a lysis of data, from a total of 268
PD patients studied using a doubl e - bl i n d,
parallel group multicenter design, suggests
that use of cabergoline can reduce levo d o p a
dose and cabergoline has an acceptabl e
a d ve r s e - event profile in comparison to lev-
odopa, the gold standard treatment of PD.
1 1
The 5-year monotherapy study of caberg o-
line versus levodopa also suggests this.
1 2
studied tolerability of cabergoline in patients
up to age 88 and found no serious side
e ffects. On follow up (ranging up to 5
years), only 21% of patients discontinued
t h e r a py with a similar distribution of low -
intolerance rate across all age groups.
Neuropsychiatric complications, includ-
ing visual hallucinations, are often consid-
ered to be a major limitation of dopamine
agonist therapy in the elderly.
H oweve r,
using a slow-titration regimen, we found
that the frequency of hallucinations was low
and acceptable in both young and elderly
patient groups. This observation is consis-
tent with reports from caberg o l i n e
m o n o t h e r a py and adjunctive therapy
s t u d i e s .
1 1 - 1 3
Other neuropsychiatric compli-
cations were also rare, although a few
patients developed hy p e r s exuality at high
doses (
6 mg/d). Howeve r, we acknow l e d g e
that the subjects most at risk to have deve l-
oped these problems (history of prev i o u s
psychosis, rapid eye movement (REM)
b e h avior disorder, neuropsychiatric side
e ffects to other agonist therapies) are unlike-
ly to have been started on agonist therapy,
and thus selected out of this study.
Somnolence and sudden onset "sleep
attacks" are a much-discussed potential side
e ffect of non-ergot agonists. Although recent
evidence from case series studies wo u l d
suggest that somnolence may be a class
e ffect of dopaminergic therapy and is shared
by agonists and levo d o p a .
1 4 - 1 7
A s u rvey of
our patients revealed that somnolence wa s
not a problem in those on cabergoline thera-
py, as either monotherapy or adjunctive ther-
a py within dose ranges of 1 to 6 mg/d. T h i s
o b s e rvation is further supported by a study
in a subset of our patients, which did not
r eveal ex c e s s ive daytime sleepiness (using
the Epwo rth sleepiness scale)
1 5
in an unse-
lected cohort of patients taking va r i a bl e
doses of cabergoline. A n a lysis of the 5-ye a r
c a b e rgoline versus levodopa monotherapy
study data also suggests that somnolence
rates were low and similar between lev-
odopa and caberg o l i n e .
1 2 , 1 3
We did, howeve r,
encounter a nonspecific complaint of
malaise in several patients necessitating dis-
continuation of cabergoline.
In the UK, the Committee on the Safety
of Medicines (CSM) an organization con-
c e rned with rapid recognition and monitor-
ing of adverse drug reactions, has recently
attempted to raise awareness of the issue of
Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003 · The Journal of Applied Research
fibrotic reaction associated with ergot deriv-
a t ives, following reports of fibrotic reaction
with perg o l i d e .
1 8
To date, 5 cases of fi b r o t i c
reactions have been reported with caberg o-
line use (via the ye l l ow card reporting sys-
tem), compared with 49 cases with
p e rgolide and 24 with bromocriptine. We
s p e c i fi c a l ly screened our patents for symp-
toms suggestive of fibrotic and serosal
i n f l a m m a t o ry disorders, such as shortness of
breath, persistent cough, renal flank pain, or
cardiac failure. Two patients were identifi e d,
who had good clinical response to caberg o-
line, but developed cough and shortness of
breath, respective ly. Howeve r, blood tests,
chest X-ray, electrocardiogr a p hy, and urinal-
ysis have not revealed any evidence of
fibrotic and serosal inflammatory disorders
in these patents, and while one has discon-
tinued cabergoline, the other continues on
l ow-dose cabergoline (1 mg/d).
The use of cabergoline in subjects intol-
erant of other agonists also merits discus-
sion. In our study, 39 out of 301 patients
(12.95%, Figure 2) intolerant to a range of
other commonly used agonists tolerated
c a b e rgoline with good clinical benefi t .
H oweve r, owing to the open nature of this
s t u d y, we have not form a l ly studied the
r everse situation, in which patients intoler-
ant to cabergoline may tolerate other ago-
nists. Our data suggest that patients not
being able to tolerate a chosen agonist need
not be denied a trial with an altern a t ive ago-
nist. This issue has prev i o u s ly been ex p l o r e d
in relation to pergolide and bromocriptine.
1 9
A precise dose equivalence with other ago-
nists and cabergoline has not been calculat-
e d, but our clinical experience suggests that
a maintenance dose of 4 mg/d of caberg o-
line is equivalent to approx i m a t e ly 3 mg/d
of pergolide, 8 to 10 mg/d of ropinirole, or
4.5 mg/d of pramipex o l e .
Ageism in the delive ry of healthcare is
c u rr e n t ly a major topical issue and has
r e c e ived due recognition in the UK National
S e rvice Fr a m ework document for older peo-
p l e .
This issue is highly relevant in PD, a
condition increasingly prevalent with age,
and our study may be the first to demon-
strate the effi c a cy and tolerability of a
dopamine agonist such as cabergoline in
older and elderly PD patients. In spite of the
independent nature of prescribing caberg o-
line by the four regional centers in this
s t u d y, clinical experience suggested that
c a b e rgoline was easy to use (compared with
the complicated dose-titration regimes in
use with some other dopamine agonists),
and instructions regarding dosing we r e
understood by patients/careg ivers. This fa c t
was supported by the practical experience of
the PD nurse specialists invo l ved in this
s t u d y. The risk of fibrosis with caberg o l i n e
appears to be low, probably less than 1%
and we screen patients on doses of caberg o-
line above 6 mg, on a ye a r ly basis using a
chest x-ray and renal function and ery t h r o-
cyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The result of
this study, therefore, may advocate re-ex a m-
ination of clinicians' attitudes toward treat-
ment of elderly PD patients with dopamine
a g o n i s t s .
The authors acknowledge the co-operation of
Dr Chris Clough, Dr Daya Gunawardena, Ms
Anna Blockley for allowing us to audit their
patient records. Secretarial support from Mrs
Faulkner is gr a t e f u l ly acknowledged.
This study has not been supported by
a ny pharmaceutical company and was initi-
ated as an independent audit of clinical use
of cabergoline. Howeve r, Dr. Chaudhuri
s e rved in the advisory group of pharm a c e u-
tical companies such as Pharmacia, A t h e n a ,
Ipsen and Orion. KRC, and Dr Burn
r e c e ived honorariums from Pharmacia and
Orion for sponsored talks.
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