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Continuous-Dose Furosemide
Attenuates TNF Levels in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Christopher Reising, MD A. Chendrasekhar, MD Edward Burt, PhD P. L. Wall, DVM Department of Surgery Education, Iowa Methodist Medical Center, 1221 Pleasant Street, Suite 550, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Financial Support provided by Iowa Health Systems. Presented at the 64th Annual International Assembly
of the American College of Chest Physicians, Toronto, Canada, 1998.
KEY WORDS: furosemide, lung injury, oleic acid, ARDS, TNF Abstract Acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome of progressive hypoxemia and
V/Q mismatch with decreasing pulmonary compliance in the absence of
congestive heart failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a central mediator
of the local and systemic inflammatory response that leads to ARDS and
is significantly elevated in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
samples in animals models of oleic acid induced lung injury. Furosemide
has been shown to improve pulmonary gas exchange and intrapulmonary
shunt, by a nondiuretic mechanism, in animal models of ARDS. We hypothesized
that continuous-dose intravenous furosemide would attenuate the inflammatory
response marked by TNF levels in a canine model of oleic acid-induced
lung injury. Methods:
Eight mongrel dogs were anesthetized and given 0.1 mg/kg intravenous
oleic acid to induce lung injury. Once lung injury was established (2
h), the control animals (n = 4) were continued on standard supportive
therapy, and the study animals Results:
Serum TNF levels were significantly decreased at 6 hours in furosemide
animals versus control animals (2.04 pg/dL + 0.45 and 1.23 pg/dL + 0.16,
respectively; P <0.015).
BAL TNF levels at 6 hours were significantly decreased in furosemide
animals compared with control animals (2.05 pg/dL + 0.77 vs. 0.31 pg/dL
+ 0.36; P <0.007). Conclusion: Continuous-dose
furosemide attenuates TNF levels in serum and BAL specimens in this
oleic acid model of ARDS. Introduction Acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome with progressive hypoxemia, ventilation/perfusion
mismatch, and decreasing pulmonary compliance secondary to increased
capillary endothelial permeability. This capillary leak syndrome leads
to high protein content interstitial and alveolar fluid accumulation,
and is the result of a local and systemic inflammatory response generated
by macrophages, neutrophils, and other inflammatory cells. Macrophages
are responsible for the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which
plays a central role in driving this inflammatory process. TNF stimulates
the release of other cytokines and inflammatory mediators, including
IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, platelet activating factor, and leukotrienes, which
escalate the inflammatory cascade and contribute to local tissue injury.
Systemic injection of TNF results in a clinical picture of shock, with
a capillary leak syndrome and pulmonary neutrophil sequestration.1 Elevated
TNF levels have been demonstrated in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
fluid and serum of patients with ARDS and in animal models of oleic
acid-induced lung injury.2-7 Currently, no corrective
therapy exists to reverse or attenuate the pathophysiology of inflammatory
response to ARDS. Administration of antibody directed against TNF decreases
mortality in animal models of septic shock if administered before endotoxin
exposure, but has little effect if administered after endotoxin exposure.8
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs have been shown to decrease airway
pressure and pulmonary vascular pressure by inhibiting cyclooxygenase
in patients with sepsis syndrome and are currently under further investigation.9
The use of steroids has not been shown to be clinically useful in acute
ARDS but could have a role in "fully established "ARDS in minimizing
the fibroproliferative stage of ARDS associated with massive interstitial
collagen deposition.10,11 Furosemide has
been shown to improve pulmonary gas exchange and intrapulmonary shunt
fraction in ARDS by a nondiuretic mechanism.12-15,19 The effect of furosemide
on inflammatory cascades and cytokine response is unknown. We hypothesized
that continuous-dose intravenous furosemide would attenuate the inflammatory
response in this animal model of lung injury. To test our hypothesis,
we designed this study to measure the effect of furosemide on the cytokine
response in a canine model of oleic acid-induced lung injury. Methods Our institution's laboratory
animal care and utilization committee approved this protocol. Animals
were cared for in accordance with the current guidelines of the National
Institutes of Health. Eight healthy mongrel dogs 19 to 29 kg were premedicated
with 1 mg/kg xylazine and 0.8 mL atropine administered intramuscularly.
Each animal was anesthetized with 0.8 mg/kg sodium pentothal through
an intravenous bolus and 2 mg/kg per hour continuous infusion. All animals
were ventilated with a standard mechanical ventilator (Nellcor Puritan-Bennett
7200, Pleasanton, CA) at tidal volumes of 10 cc/kg and respiratory rates
of 20 breaths per minute adjusted to maintain pCO2 (35-45 mm Hg). Polyethylene catheters were placed in
the femoral artery and right internal jugular vein by cut-down technique.
A thermodilution catheter (Baxter Health Care Co, Irvine, CA) was placed
in the pulmonary artery. All animals underwent laparotomies with cystostomy
catheter placement for urine collection. After baseline
cardiovascular, pulmonary, and blood gas measurements were taken, 0.1
mg/kg oleic acid was injected intravenously. The animals were randomly
divided into 2 groups, control (n = 4) and furosemide (n = 4). Serial
measurements of cardiac index (CI), stroke volume index (SVI), pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), and arterial blood gas analysis were
performed at baseline, 2 hours, and 6 hours. Serial urine, BAL, and
serum specimens were obtained at baseline, 2 hours, and 6 hours. Specimens
were stored at -70˚C. After establishment
of lung injury (2 h), defined as a P02/FI02 of less
than 200 with a PCWP of less than 18 mm Hg, continuous-dose furosemide
(0.2 mg/kg per h) was initiated in the experimental group. Volume resuscitation
from lung injury was achieved with isotonic saline and guided by parameters
of maintaining PCWP (8-12 mm Hg) and SVI within 10% of baseline. Ventilators
were adjusted to maintain oxygen saturation 90% or greater by adjusting
FI02 up to 80% and increasing positive end-expiratory pressure
(5-20 cm H2O). After completion of the experimental protocol, the animals
were euthanized. TNF concentrations
in serum, BAL, and urine specimens were measured in duplicate using
a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit
(Cytokit Red TNF assay, College Park, MD). This ELISA system measures
total, bound and unbound, TNF in bodily fluids using precoated goat
antirabbit TNF antibody microtiter wells, streptavidin-conjugated alkaline
phosphatase, and an amplified color generation system. Microtiter wells
and reagents were provided in the kit. Data was collected using an automated
plate reader and plotted using computer software. Statistical analysis
was performed on ELISA data using averaged values for each stage of
the lung injury model. Each stage values were compared with baseline
values using analysis of variance with repeated measures. As part of
the analysis of variance, the Student-Newman-Keuls test was used for
the multiple comparisons between groups. Statistical significance threshold
was P <0.05. Results All
animals survived the protocol. There was no statistical difference in
CI, SVI, or PCWP between furosemide-treated animals and control animals
at baseline, 2 hours, or 6 hours. All animals treated with oleic acid
had significant elevations in serum and BAL TNF levels at 2 hours. No
statistical difference in TNF levels was identified in serum specimens
between furosemide-treated animals and control animals at baseline or
2 hours (Table 1). There was a significant decrease in serum TNF levels
at 6 hours in the furosemide-treated animals compared with control animals
(2.04 ng/dL + 0.45 vs. 1.23 ng/dL + 0.16, respectively; P <0.015; Table 1). Similarly, there was no difference in BAL TNF levels
at baseline and 2 hours between the 2 groups; however, there was a significant
decrease in BAL TNF levels in furosemide-treated animals compared with
control animals (2.04 ng/dL + 0.77 vs. 0.31 ng/dL + 0.36; P <0.007;
Table 2). Urine TNF levels (concentration) were not significantly different
at 6 hours between furosemide-treated animals and control animals (0.52
ng/dL + 0.35 vs. 0.53 ng/dL + 0.65; P = 0.98). Discussion Acute respiratory distress syndrome continues to be a significant
challenge for clinicians. Although we are better at supporting these
patients through their acute and chronic phases of lung injury and shock,
there is no corrective antidote in our armamentarium to attenuate this
inflammatory response or its sequelae. Ali et al. pioneered the first
major work on the pulmonary vasoactivity and the nondiuretic capacity
of furosemide in elaborate canine models of oleic acid-induced lung
injury.12-15 Previously, we demonstrated significant improvements in
lung injury scores, oxygenation, and intrapulmonary shunt fraction,
independent of cardiac filling pressures, in this canine model of oleic
acid lung injury.19 Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain
how furosemide effects these improvements in pulmonary performance.
Most notably, furosemide might not block hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
and preferentially dilate vessels in nonflooded alveolar units, thereby
improving ventilation perfusion mismatch.14 To our knowledge, no previous
studies have examined the possibility that furosemide might affect the
inflammatory cascades in this model of lung injury. This study was designed
to examine the cytokine response of oleic acid-induced lung injury and
to document any attenuation of this cytokine response by continuous-dose
furosemide. In this model, oleic acid causes increased pulmonary
vascular permeability followed by an escalating inflammatory process,
which amplifies this injury and leads to noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
simulating ARDS. Olanof et al. documented the inflammatory component
of this model by demonstrating increased levels of prostaglandin, thromboxane,
and TNF locally and systemically.6,17,18 We were able to demonstrate
a similar rise in TNF levels both locally (BAL specimens) and systemically
(serum levels) after lung injury. We were also able to demonstrate that
continuous furosemide infusion after the induction of lung injury attenuates
TNF levels, both locally and systemically. However, the mechanism by
which furosemide affects this attenuation is unclear. At this point,
we can only speculate that furosemide might inhibit the production of
inflammatory cytokines like TNF at the level of their synthesis in the
macrophage and neutrophil. Additionally, whether this attenuated response
of TNF levels contributes to the previously documented improvements
in pulmonary performance cannot be established from this study. Although the urine volumes in the furosemide-treated
animals were significantly higher than control animals, urine TNF concentrations
were statistically similar between the 2 groups. This indicates that
the total amount of TNF eliminated in urine by the furosemide-treated
animals was significantly higher than control animals. We know that
furosemide does not affect the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney;
therefore, we speculate that furosemide might stimulate the nephron
to actively or passively secrete TNF. Further studies in this area are
necessary to explain these findings. One limitation of this study is that we did not collect
lung histology data to determine if there was a concomitant decrease
in the neutrophil sequestration in the pulmonary interstitium along
with the attenuated TNF levels in the furosemide-treated animals. Additional
research to investigate this issue is necessary. Future studies could
also look at the TNF activation status of these cells in the pulmonary
interstitium with PCR techniques. A second limitation of this study is the narrow scope
of our assessment of the local and systemic inflammatory response generated
by this oleic acid model. We focused on TNF, exclusive of other cytokines,
prostaglandins, leukotrienes, complement, or adhesion molecules. We
chose to look at TNF for our cytokine quantification for several reasons.
First, TNF is the central cytokine mediator of the inflammatory response.
Secondly, commercially available cytokine assays for canines are limited
and, as stated previously, the sequence homology of TNF between human
and canines is well preserved. Our study was also limited by size (n = 8); however,
we were able to demonstrate statistically significant decreases in serum
and BAL TNF concentrations in our furosemide-treated animals compared
with control animals. This model of lung injury might not reflect a
similar pathophysiology of ARDS as that seen clinically with sepsis,
trauma, or aspiration. Therefore, extrapolation of our results to clinical
patient management strategies is premature. In conclusion, continuous-dose
furosemide attenuated TNF levels, both in the bronchoalveolar lavage
and serum, of animals with oleic acid-induced pulmonary injury. References 1. Tracey KJ, Beytler B, Lowry SF, et al: Shock and
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1. Serum TNF Levels Serum
Time 0 2
hours 6 hours Control 1.09 ng/dL + 0.90 1.40 ng/dL + 0.63 2.04 ng/dL + 0.45 Furosemide 1.65 ng/dL + 1.12 2.12 ng/dL + 0.47 1.23 ng/dL + 0.16 P
value N/D N/D p<0.015 Table
2. BAL TNF Levels BAL
Time 0 2
hours 6 hours Control 0.31 ng/dL + 0.61 1.48 ng/dL + 1.39 2.05 ng/dL + 0.77 Furosemide 1.25 ng/dL + 1.30 1.22 ng/dL + 0.21 0.31 ng/dL + 0.36 P
value N/D N/D <0.007 | |||||
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