Dosage Secures Better Compliance With Antibiotic Therapy of Respiratory
Tract Infections Than Twice-Daily Dosage
Kardas MD, PhD
of Family Medicine
Medical University of Lodz
Lodz, Poland; pkardas@csk.am.lodz.pl
This study was supported by a grant from the Medical
University of Lodz (502-11-704). The results were partly presented
at WONCA Europe 2002 Conference, London, June 9-13, 2002.
KEY WORDS: patient compliance, respiratory tract infections,
drug therapy, antibiotics
dosage, clinical trail
Background: Patient compliance is essential for successful
antibiotic therapy. The effect of the number of daily doses on it
has already been well documented. However, in the case of antibiotic
therapy of respiratory tract infections (RTIs), better patient compliance
with once-daily dosage over twice-daily dosage has not been proven
yet. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether once-daily dosage
may provide better patient compliance than twice-daily dosage.
Materials and Methods: In this open study, outpatients
aged 16 and older treated by general practitioners were enrolled.
All patients were diagnosed with RTIs and were prescribed oral antibiotic
therapy with once-daily or twice-daily dosage. Compliance was assessed
on the fifth day of the therapy by used pill count during the home
Results: Of 501 patients studied, 81.2% showed full
compliance. Age, sex, marital status, education, and membership to
a socioprofessional group did not affect patient compliance. The logistic
regression model revealed that the only factor affecting compliance
was the frequency of antibiotic dosage (P<0.00001; odds ratio =
21.4; 95% confidence interval, 8.2-55.7).
Conclusions: The once-daily dosage provides significantly
better compliance with antibiotic therapy of RTI than twice-daily
Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are one of the most
common reasons for patients to report to general practitioners.1 In
numerous cases, these patients need antibiotic treatment. RTIs usually
cause strongly expressed illness symptoms, which seem to motivate
outpatients to comply with antibiotic treatment. However, a large
number of patients are noncompliant with this medication.2 Consequently,
noncompliance may lead to therapy ineffectiveness, complications or
relapse, resistant pathogenic germs, increased hospitalization, and
increase of direct and indirect treatment costs. Therefore, noncompliance
constitutes a serious medical and social problem.3-5
In numerous studies evaluating different clinical situations,
researchers noted that the frequency of drug dosage has a strong influence
on patient compliance: the less frequent the doses the higher the
compliance.6-8 Oral antibiotics administered once daily have recently
become widely available. However, only limited studies have emphasized
the advantage of using once-daily dosage over twice-daily dosage in
obtaining a higher level of patient compliance with antibiotic therapy
for RTIs.9-10
The goal of this study was to evaluate whether once-daily
dosage may provide better patient compliance with antibiotics than
twice-daily dosage. The relationship between basic sociodemographic
factors and patient compliance was also investigated.
Materials and Methods
In this open study, patients treated by general practitioners
in Lodz were enrolled. The inclusion criteria were 1) the diagnosis
of RTI followed by antibiotic therapy in oral countable form (pills
or capsules) with once-daily or twice-daily dosage and 2) informed
consent. Exclusion criteria included 1) age younger than 16 years,
2) diagnosed psychiatric disease, 3) any state that could make the
independent application of the medication difficult. When the medication
was prescribed, the patients were informed that on the fifth day,
counting from the day the antibiotic was prescribed, an investigator
would visit their home to fill in a short questionnaire regarding
the antibiotic therapy. However, they were not informed about the
intention to count pills. On the fifth day from the antibiotic's prescription
(or on the sixth day, if the patient was absent on the fifth day),
a physician or investigator went to the patient's home, where the
questionnaire was completed. Afterward, the pill count was performed
by assessing the number of used pills in the original packaging of
the antibiotic. The patient was asked if the drug was given to anyone
else. The time of first dose usage was also noted. The study protocol
was accepted by Ethical Committee of Medical University of Lodz.
Together with the new cases collected especially for
this study, cases from two previous studies11,12 that met the above
mentioned criteria (the dosage in the range of once-daily or twice-daily)
were also re-analyzed in this paper.
Factors that could potentially affect patient compliance
(age, sex, marital status, education, membership in a socioprofessional
group, diagnosis, kind of antibiotic, frequency of antibiotic dosage,
and the presence of adverse effects) were evaluated in one-factor
analysis in a search for the influence on patient compliance. Afterwards,
factors that affected patient compliance in statistically significant
ways were assessed using logistic regression.
Data from 501 patients were fully accessible and used
for statistical analysis. The characteristics of the enrolled patients
are shown in Table 1.
Pill count proved
full compliance in 81.2% of examined patients (407 persons). Ninety-four
patients (18.8%) took an improper number of antibiotic doses. Of these,
80 patients (16.0%) took fewer and 14 patients (2.8%) took more than
sex, marital status, education, and membership in a socioprofessional
group did not show significant influences on compliance with physician's
recommendations (Table 2). The factors with statistically significant
influence on compliance in one-factor analysis (diagnosis, kind of
antibiotic, dosage frequency, and occurrence of adverse effects) were
assessed using logistic regression. That analysis proved that the
only factor discriminating between patients who complied fully and
those who did not was the antibiotic dosage (P<0.00001; odds ratio
= 21.4; 95% confidence interval, 8.2-55.7). With once-daily dosage,
97.6% of patients complied with physician recommendations, whereas
with twice-daily dosage only 64.9% complied (P<0,00001) (Figure
1). In case using clarithromycin and doxycycline, which were used
in both once-daily and twice-daily dosages, the less frequent dosage
was associated with better compliance (Figure 2).
One of the most important reasons therapy is not effective
is noncompliance with physician recommendations. From the clinical
point of view, the most important form of noncompliance is noncompliance
with medication. Numerous studies have shown that among patients with
chronic diseases, only 50% to 60% of patients comply with recommendations;
30% to 40% of patients partially comply, and 5% to 10% of patients
do not comply.13
In cases of antibiotic therapy in RTIs, the compliance
rate is higher than in cases of chronic diseases therapy. There is
no doubt that that difference is caused by patients' strong motivation
combined with the unpleasant symptoms of RTIs. The short duration
of administered therapy is also very important. However, in cases
of antibiotic therapy of RTIs, a significant percentage of patients
do not comply with physician recommendations.14,15 The main noncompliance
during antibiotic therapy for RTIs is early discontinuation. This
phenomenon is connected with receding of disease symptoms.16 What
follows-even relatively small elongations of therapy can significantly
increase the percentage of noncompliant patients.17-19
In a study assessing compliance during treatment with
penicillin of streptococcal infections, on the third day of therapy,
44% of children were fully compliant, on the sixth day 29% were, and
on the ninth day only 18% were fully compliant.20 The results of this
study confirm that even during short-term antibiotic therapy (the
initial 5 days of therapy were examined) every fifth patient does
not fully comply with physician recommendations and omits some doses.
Taking into consideration the consequences of that phenomenon, it
indicates the essential need to find methods of increasing compliance
during antibiotic therapy of RTIs.
Although age, sex, marital status, education, and membership
in a socioprofessional group could be expected to affect compliance,
many studies have proven that those factors do not have significant
influence on that phenomenon.6,7,21 This is of special concerns with
antibiotic therapy, especially therapy for RTIs.22,23 Results of the
present study confirm this rule. It contradicts general wisdom and
explains why it is so difficult for physicians to predict who will
comply with recommendations and who will not.6,24
This study did not reveal the influence of formal education
on compliance. Moreover, many studies prove that patients' education
has no influence on that phenomenon. For instance, one study indicates
that a similar percentage of patients did not comply with preventive
use of penicillin in sickle cell disease in both intervention and
nonintervention groups, although one group participated in special
lectures that explained the nature of the disease and received weekly
phone calls.25 Therefore, spending more time and giving these patients
sufficient medical information will not be enough to ensuring compliance.
In these situations, clinicians may be interested in
factors that improve patient compliance with antibiotics. Dosage frequency
seems to be a significant factor. According to a review that only
included studies conducted with the use of precise electronic compliance
measurements, the mean compliance was 79% for once-daily dosage, 69%
for the twice-daily dosage, 65% for the thrice-daily dosage, and 51%
for four-times-a-day dosage.7 However, the difference between compliance
levels with the once-daily and twice-daily dosage was not statistically
influence of dosage on the compliance with physician's recommendations
was also evaluated in studies that considered antibiotic therapy of
RTIs.8,14,15,24,26-29 However, there is a lack of data that could
unambiguously prove the superiority of once-daily dosage versus twice-daily
dosage. Meanwhile, a recent introduction of oral antibiotics with
once-daily dosing to common use has made the question of superiority
over twice-daily dosing very important from the clinical point of
The results of the
present study point unambiguously at significantly better patient
compliance with short-term antibiotic therapy for once-daily doses
compared with twice-daily dosage. Strongly convincing is the fact
that almost 100% of patients who were given antibiotics at once-daily
doses took the correct number. However every third patient taking
the antibiotics twice daily during first 5 days of therapy took an
incorrect (too small) number of antibiotic doses. In general, patients
who were prescribed antibiotics in a once-daily regimen had an over
20 times larger chance of being compliant with physician recommendations
than patients who were prescribed antibiotic with twice-daily dosage.
This study suggests that significant benefits for patients could result
from the physician's choice of an antibiotic with once-daily doses
for the treatment of RTIs.
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Table 1. The Profile of Studied Patients
N %
Female 340 67.9
Male 161 32.1
Marital status*:
Unmarried 89 17.7
Married 316 63.1
Divorced 20 4.0
Widowed 75 15.0
Elementary 96 19.2
Secondary 266 53.1
College or higher
138 27.6
Socio-professional group*
Unemployed 24 4.8
Working 230 45.9
Retired or
196 39.1
Student/pupil 49 9.8
Age (years)*:
Mean ± SD (range)
Together: 49.5±18.4 (16-93)
Female: 51.2±17.9 (16-93)
Male: 45.9±19.1 (16-85)
Upper RTI
277 55.3
Lower RTI
224 44.7
Applied antibiotic (regimen)
Amoxicillin (bd)
39 7.8
Amoxicillin +
clavulanic acid (bd) 16 3.2
Azithromycin (od)
24 4.8
Cefaclor (bd)
16 3.2
Cafadroxil (bd)
34 6.8
Cefalexin (bd)
3 0.6
Ceftibuten (od)
208 41.5
Cefuroxime (bd)
7 1.4
Ciprofloxacin (bd)
6 1.2
Clarithromycin (od)
3 0.6
Clarithromycin (bd)
19 3.8
Doxycycline (od)
15 3.0
Doxycycline (bd)
32 6.4
Roxithromycin (bd)
21 4.2
Spiramycin (bd)
58 11.6
Antibiotic dosage
od 250 49.9
bd 251 50.1
Adverse effects
69 13.8
Absent 432 86.2
501 100.0
Table 2. The Influence of Different Factors on
Patient Compliance During Antibiotic Therapy for RTIs
P value
(NS, P>0.05)
Age NS
Sex NS
Education NS
group NS
Diagnosis P<0.05
dosage P<0.00001
Figure 1. The effect of antibiotic dosage on patient
compliance for RTIs therapy. Percentages of compliant and noncompliant
patients are marked.


Figure 2. The percentage of patients compliant with
od and bd doxycycline depends on the number of daily doses. *P<0.01.
