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Human Skeletal Muscle
and Subcutaneous Tissue Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Gas Tension
Measurements Under Ambient and Hyperbaric Conditions
Charles H. Wells, PhD* Michael B. Strauss, MD, FACS, AAOS*† *Baromedical
Department, † Supported by the Memorial Foundation, KEY WORDS: hyperbaric oxygen, tissue gas analysis, tissue oxygen, tissue carbon dioxide, tissue nitrogen, monoplace chamber, multiplace chamber ABSTRACT Objectives: (1) To measure tissue O2, CO2, and N2 tensions in subcutaneous (SQ) and muscle (MM) tissues of the thigh in room air and at two atmospheres absolute (ATA) pressure. (2) To compare the differences in continuous O2 exposures with O2 breathing with air breaks under hyperbaric conditions on O2 and N2 in MM and SQ tissues. (3) To observe the effect of these exposures on MM and SQ tissue CO2s. Method: Gas tensions in resting MM and SQ tissues were recorded at 4-minute intervals during a 3-hour period. Two protocols were compared: protocol A-continuous O2 breathing in 2 ATA O2, which represented a monoplace chamber treatment schedule; and protocol B-analogous to a multiplace hyperbaric oxygen treatment with intermittent air breaks between O2 breathing. Results: Mean room air MM O2 is 33% less (P < .001) than adjacent SQ O2, mean MM CO2 exceeds SQ CO2 by 13% (P < .001) of the adjacent SQ. Mean MM N2 tensions are 20% less than the adjacent SQ N2 tensions (P < .001). Protocol A is superior for reducing MM N2 (P < .001) compared with protocol B. Muscle O2 increases more rapidly and to higher levels than the SQ O2 in protocol B, In protocol A SQ O2 increases above MM O2 tensions. Protocol A’s SQ O2 tensions increased 12% more than protocol B. Muscle and SQ CO2 decrease significantly (P < .001) in 2 ATA O2 in both protocols. Conclusions: (1) Resting ambient MM N2 is significantly lower than subcutaneous tissue N2. (2) Protocol A is superior for muscle N2 washout. (3) There are differences in SQ and MM O2 uptake at 2 ATA as well as differences in uptake between protocols A and B for these tissue compartments. (4) Carbon dioxide decreases in the lower extremity under hyperbaric oxygen conditions. INTRODUCTION Tissue gas measurements aid in the diagnosis and management of disorders that impair tissue perfusion or gas exchange. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is an intervention that increases oxygen (O2) and lowers inert gas tissue pressures, but few resting tissue gas tension measurements are reported under hyperbaric conditions. Campbell,1 Lambertsen et al,2 and Van Liew et al3 measured gas tensions from gas pockets and proposed that their technique be considered for measuring extravascular tissue gas tensions. Niinikoski and Hunt4 and Kivisari and Niinikoski5 measured wound O2 and carbon dioxide (CO2) tensions of gas samples from implanted silastic tubes. This technique was used to document changes in gas tension in tissues proximal to wounds from necrotizing infections.6 Sheffield7 and Sheffield and Workman8 measured tissue O2 tensions with miniature polarographic electrodes. Woldring et al,9,10 using implanted tissue gas collection probes fitted with silastic diffusion membranes, made serial mass spectroscopy measurements of O2 and CO2 tensions in the aorta and vena cava. Brantigan et al.11 reported that this technique did not create thrombi or emboli. Brantigan et al12 used low permeability Teflon probes to prevent depletion of gases at the sampling site for the measurement of gases in extra vascular tissues. Hart et al,13 Wells et al,14 and Horrigan et al15 reported measurements of muscle (MM) and subcutaneous (SQ) gas tensions in eight male subjects, also using low-permeability Teflon probes. In contrast to intracellular myoglobin,16 near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS),17 and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies,18 tissue Argon, CO2, N2 gas tensions as well as O2 measurements are made. We report our findings in a study of over 30 men and women using low-permeability Teflon probes and the mass spectrometer. From this study we have established normal values for tissue O2, CO2, and N2 tensions in healthy men and women volunteers, and compared the effects of two hyperbaric treatment protocols on augmenting tissue O2 enhancement, N2 loading, and N2 washout. We used two protocols. Protocol A follows a typical monoplace HBO treatment schedule and protocol B follows a treatment schedule commonly used in the multiplace chamber. Subjects in protocol A were pressurized in a pure O2 environment, breathing O2 directly from within the chamber at 2 ATA during the exposures. In protocol B, the subjects were pressurized in 2 ATA air and breathed O2 via a regulator for each HBO exposure. Protocol A differed from protocol B in two other ways: (1) the total HBO exposure time of protocol B exceed that of protocol A and (2) protocol B’s HBO exposures were interrupted with short intervals of hyperbaric air breathing; also known as “air breaks.” METHODS Study Population We enrolled 36 healthy volunteers from the staff and their families at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach, California, for the study (Table 1). All 36 participated in protocol A and 33 (92%) participated in protocol B. Three men (8%) did not participate in protocol B. No subject participated in protocol B less than 30 days after completing protocol A. All subjects were appropriately informed of the risks and objectives of the study and the study protocol in accordance with our institution’s standards for use of human subjects and the Helsinki Accords, Study Protocol Oxygen, CO2, and N2
tensions of MM and adjacent SQ sites from the lateral mid-thigh were
determined while the subjects were exposed to air at 1 ATA, hyperbaric
air at 2 ATA, and HBO at 2 atmospheres. Mass spectrometer catheters,
inserted into the thigh before the subject’s entered the hyperbaric
chamber, were used to sample the tissue gases. Recordings were made
with a mass spectrometer. Resting tissue gas readings were recorded
at 1 ATA air before pressurization in the monoplace chamber
(Sechrist Model 2500B Monoplace Chamber, Sechrist Industries,
Anaheim, CA; used for all exposures) using one of the 2 protocols (Table
2). Mass Spectroscopy Tissue gas analysis was performed with a Perkin-Elmer 1100 Mass Spectrometer® (Perkin-Elmer Inc, Foster City, CA) with four fixed detectors to record argon, CO2, N2, and O2 ion tensions in mm Hg surrounding the instrument’s two sampling catheters. One was used to measure gases in the SQ space and the other in the MM compartment. Measurements were made at 2-minute intervals alternating the compartments. Thus, gas tensions for each sampling site were obtained every 4 minutes for the SQ space and every 4 minutes for the MM compartment. Tissue gases were obtained by continuous vacuum evacuation of minute gas samples from indwelling tubular catheters fitted with low-permeability Teflon (Medspec Catheters, Allied Health Care Products, St. Louis, MO) membranes. The 45.72 cm (18 in) long catheters had malleable, tubular stainless steel cores with an outside diameter of 0.139 cm (0.055 in). The exterior of the catheter was covered with a low-permeability Teflon sheath. A small area, approximately 1 cm2, near the membrane tip was in communication with perforations into the catheter lumen. This served as the catheter’s gas sampling surface. Gases entered the catheter lumen by diffusion through the Teflon sheath. The gases were vacuum evacuated into the mass spectrometer for analysis. Each catheter was connected to the sampling port of the spectrometer with a 6-foot malleable stainless steel extension catheter and passed through gas tight fittings in the cephalic bulkhead of the hyperbaric chamber. Calibration The mass spectrometer was calibrated with catheters in dry 37˚C (98˚F) reference gases before probe insertion. Each gas was adjusted to zero while immersed in a reference gas free of N2, O2, or CO2. The catheters were then immersed in a 37˚C, one ATA reference gas at the following partial pressures: (1) O2, 152 mm Hg; (2) CO2, 38 mm Hg; (3) N2 at 380 mm Hg; and (4) argon at 190 mm Hg. Mass spectrometer readouts were calibrated to the preceding values. Calibration stability was assessed by repeating the above testing at the completion of each day’s trial. Dry gas calibration was used for expedience. Differences between dry and wet calibration are relatively minor, are predictable, and are amenable to simple mathematical correction. (This is discussed subsequently in this report.) Catheter Insertion After calibration, the catheters were inserted into skeletal MM and adjacent SQ tissues of each volunteer’s mid-lateral thigh at the onset of each trial. The vastus lateralis of the quadriceps group was used as the MM site, and the overlying SQ served as the representative SQ gas-sampling site. The catheters were inserted into these sites through angiocaths. A 0.5-cm Lidocaine wheal provided local epidermal anesthesia. No additional anesthesia was used. The angiocaths, 20 cm (8 in) long, were inserted through the wheals and advanced 12.7 cm (5 in) distally into the chosen site. The angiocath trochars were removed and discarded. Then the 22-gauge thermistor-tipped probes were introduced into the catheters and positioned so the thermistor was at the tip of the angiocath sheath at the future gas sampling sites. The angiocath sheaths were left undisturbed for 20 minutes to facilitate hemostasis along the track of angiocath insertion and to provide time for thermal equilibration of the thermistor. The sampling site temperatures were recorded and the probes removed. Next, the calibrated
mass spectrometer catheters were inserted through the angiocath sheaths
and advanced the length of the sheath. The catheters were held in place,
and the angiocath sheaths were withdrawn. The catheters were secured
to the extremity with adhesive tape so the gas-sampling surface was
positioned at the deepest point of penetration. Sampling Site Temperature Effects Mass spectrometer gas measurement systems used in this study were, as expected, sensitive to sampling site temperature (Figure 1). Tissue catheters were calibrated to reflect the sampling site temperatures of each subject at the onset of each trial. In vivo tissue gas tension readings were mathematically corrected for temperature in two fashions: First, corrections were made for measurement errors from catheter calibration at one temperature and tissue recordings made at another. Second, corrections were made for dry and for wet catheter calibrations. Gender differences of the temperature recordings were substantial. Consequently, we used gender-specific temperature corrections (Table 3). Compensations for both errors are incorporated into the correction values. Correction constants are obtained by multiplying the mean temperature difference from 37° by the mass spectrometer reading of the measured versus calibrated gas ratio. Mass Spectrometer Response Delays Mass spectrometers using low-permeability catheters do not respond instantaneously to changes in gas tensions. Changes in calibration gases are not fully reflected in the mass spectrometer readouts for 6 minutes. This delay is a reflection of the time required for gas diffusion through the diffusion-limiting membranes, transport through the catheter tubing, and processing in the mass spectroscopy unit itself. Chamber Operations Both protocols use a clinical monoplace hyperbaric chamber. Chamber flush rates of 400 L/min were used throughout the study to minimize adiabatic temperature effects and exhaled gas build-up (Figure 2). Adiabatic increases in chamber gas temperature occurred with pressurization occurred, as expected (the Charles Gas Law Effect), with both flow rates. Temperatures increased in the chamber secondary to radiant heat exchange from the subjects at the slower flow rate as the time in the chamber increased. Statistical Assessments Analysis of variance used the F-test while the t-test revealed the probability of differences between the variables. We assessed the differences between the SQ spaces and the MM compartments of O2, N2, and CO2 tensions in each protocol at each time interval. Individual step analyses (ISA) distinguished the significance of the differences between the SQ and MM spaces at each 4-minute interval (Tables 4 through 10). Nonsignificant conclusions are noted as NS, and significant differences are described in the text as well as tabulated in their level of significance (Tables 4 and 5). RESULTS Room Air The mean MM N2 tension from recordings at 4-minute intervals for each protocol are 20% lower (P < .001) than the adjacent subcutaneous measurements (Figures 3 and 4). Also, the MM O2 and CO2 tensions in each protocol are significantly lower than their SQ tensions: O2. Compression in Air With compression in air to 2 ATA, O2 and N2 tensions increased significantly with essentially no differences between the two protocols, because to this point the protocols were identical. The MM O2 increased significantly (P < 0.001) in both protocols. The MM N2 increased significantly over the SQ N2 in both protocols (protocol A, P = .043 and protocol B, P < .001). The pooled (i.e.,
summation of both protocols) tension CO2
increased significantly (P < .001) from 38.7 to 39.6 mm Hg in the
SQ tissue, and the MM CO2 decreased significantly (P = .037) from 45.6 to
45.1 mm Hg. Hyperbaric O2 Protocols The N2 tensions decreased significantly (P < .001)
in both protocols. The MM N2 in protocol A declined
more in 90 minutes than it did after 120 minutes in protocol B (P <
.001). The increase of inhaled O2 after changing from 2 ATA air to 2 ATA O2 produced a significant (P < .001) increase in
MM and SQ O2 tensions in both protocols. However, no significant
differences were seen between the MM and SQ compartment O2 tensions during the entire 90-min breathing period
in protocol A at 2 ATA. The MM O2
is significantly increased (P = .024 to P < .001) over the SQ O2 after each 20-minute O2 period, but returns to nonsignificant levels that
are lower than the SQ values after each air break (Tables 6 and 7).
The air breaks produce a sharp saw tooth plot for the MM N2 washout and a blunt hill and valley plot for the
O2 uptake. Muscle and SQ CO2 tensions declined significantly (P < .001) in both protocols. This accounted for a 10% decrease in CO2 tension by the end of the 90-min O2 breathing period at 2 ATA (Figure 5). After each air break in protocol B barely perceptible elevations in mean CO2 tensions were seen. The MM CO2 tensions were approximately 10% higher than the SC CO2 tensions for both protocols (P < .001). One Atmosphere Air Recovery Period After decompression and a 30-minute observation period breathing ambient air (approximately 1 ATA), the MM and SQ O2 tensions remained elevated above their precompression levels. The MM and SQ N2 tensions increased gradually but remained less than precompression tensions during this 30-min observation period (Table 8 and 9). COMPLICATIONS One subject developed a hematoma at the probe site which resolved spontaneously; data from this subject were not included. We suspected a hematoma or arterial cannulation when the recorded O2 level exceeded 1000 mm Hg on exposure to 2 ATA O2. One week later, a nodule was noted in the muscle near the probe insertion site in this subject. We avoided this complication subsequently by not inserting the mass spectrometer catheter until the angiocath sheath remained in the tissue site for 30 minutes. Although minor complaints of middle ear barotraumas were noted such as “ear popping” and “clicking sounds” with middle ear pressure equilibration, feelings of fullness behind the ear drum and muting of sound after the exposures; no subject needed medical interventions for these complaints. No seizures occurred in our subjects during the study and no study was interrupted due to what could be considered prodromal seizure symptoms such as anxiety, tunnel vision, tinnitus, tremors, or hyperventilation. DISCUSSION We report the largest
collection of human volunteer tissue gas measurements: over 16,000 measurements.
Our study is the first to compare tissue gas measurements for two commonly
used monoplace and multiplace HBO treatment protocols. From this information,
it is apparent that there are differences in O2 loading and N2 washout using HBO with and without air breaks. Whether or not these differences
have clinical significance will need to be ascertained with further
studies. Although our subjects were healthy volunteers, we assume that
similar or magnified effects would be observed in patients in whom HBO
is being used for appropriate clinical indications. Our measurements were consistent with previous reports that used a variety of measurement techniques including gas pocket, implanted silastic tube, polarographic, and mass spectrometry technologies.1,5,13,14 In room air, MM O2 tensions were about one third (approximately 30 mm Hg) of normal arterial gas O2 tension (approximately 100 mm Hg). Remarkably, the resting SQ O2 tensions were much higher (approximately 45 mm Hg). This is almost 50% of the arterial gas O2 tension, but approximately one third of the ambient air O2 tension (approximately 152 mm Hg). Our conclusion from these observations is that O2 from the ambient air diffuses through the skin into SQ tissues. Muscle and SQ CO2 tensions were essentially the same for each compartment regardless of the protocol used and are consistent with a prior mass spectroscopy study.15 The CO2 data as in the O2 observations support our hypotheses that the skin is also an organ of gas exchange for CO2, consistent with a previous report.19 Mean resting SQ N2 tensions in both protocols approximated the computed theoretical values15 and expected values. (NOTE: N2 may reasonably be assumed to be metabolically inert. Therefore, the N2 tension of normal internal human tissue under steady state conditions should approximate that of blood and alveolar gases. Alveolar gas tension at 1 ATA is 760 mm Hg. Only N2, O2, CO2, H2O, and argon are present in the typical alveolar gas mixtures in greater than trace amounts. H2O vapor’s pressure, at a nominal 37°C core temperature, is 47 mm Hg. CO2’s partial pressure in alveolar gas may be taken to be approximately 40 mm Hg, O2’s 100 mm Hg, and argon’s to be 7mm Hg. The remainder should be almost entirely N2 [760–47–40–100 – 7 = 566 mm Hg].) However, the mean MM N2 tension of 425 mm Hg was more than 20% below this expected value even though we expect MM N2 to be in equilibrium with capillary alveolar N2 tensions. We are unable to explain this discrepancy, but the consistency of our recordings suggests that there is an underlying physiologic explanation. Tissue Gas Tensions in Hyperbaric Air To this point in our study, protocols A and B were identical. As expected, increasing the ambient pressure to 2 ATA air increased the N2 and O2 tensions in both the MM and the SQ during the 30 minute exposure. However, the increases in O2 MM and SQ tensions, which ranged from 20% to 26.7%, were more than the 12.5% increments predicted from Dalton’s (partial pressure} and Charles’ (gas solubility) laws. Possible explanations include: (1) The elevation of O2 tensions induced vasoconstriction, which in turn reduce perfusion,20–23 decreasing flow so less O2 extraction occurred. (2) Because 2.5% of the O2 carrying capacity of the blood is by physically dissolved O2 in the plasma, the doubling of the inspired O2 partial pressure would only double the physically dissolved portion of the O2 carrying capacity of the blood. This would theoretically account for 10.25% increase in the O2 carrying capacity of blood rather than the 20 % we observed. (NOTE: “Doubling” the physical dissolved oxygen increases the arterial blood O2 content from 20 volumes (vol) percent to 20.5%. This should be reflected in a 10.25% increase in tissue oxygenation.) (3) Elevations in tissue O2 tensions interfere with oxyhemoglobin dissociation and the movement of O2 from the blood to the tissues. Oxygenation of tissues is not only influenced by blood O2 transport and perfusion, but also tissue oxygen tensions. The closer the blood borne and tissue O2 tensions are to each other, the smaller the “driving force” (gradient) for O2 to move into tissues. Nitrogen tensions in the SQ increased by 25% as a result of being compressed in 2 ATA air, while the MM tensions increased by 60%. Tissue N2 tensions did not achieve steady-state values by the time the 30-min 2 ATA air exposure was completed (Figures 3 and 4). The increased wash-in of N2 in MM compared with SQ to this point reflects, in our opinion, the differences in perfusion of the MM and SQ tissues. Paradoxically, MM CO2 decreased significantly (0.03), and the SQ increased significantly (P < .001). This observation is consistent with earlier SQ pocket CO2 measurements noting hyperbaric air exposures cause a slight rise in CO2 tensions.24,25 Tissue Gas Tensions in Hyperbaric Oxygen Protocol A’s 90-min exposure at 2 ATA O2 increased the
tensions to 158 mm Hg or 5.7-fold (33.4 to 192 mm Hg), and SQ O2 tensions rose
4.47-fold (53.3 to 238.4 mm Hg). Protocol B’s longer, air break-punctuated
HBO exposure increased MM O2 tension 176 mm Hg, also 5.6-fold (38 to 214 mm Hg) (Table
10). These findings are reasonably consistent with results of previous
limited polarographic26,27 and mass spectrometer studies.13,14 Our studies show that the representative monoplace and multiplace treatment protocols were essentially equally effective in elevating tissue O2 tensions – the objective of clinical hyperbaric O2 therapy. The mean SQ O2 tension of protocol A, after a 90 minute 2 ATA O2 exposure, was 12 % higher than that in Protocol B’s 120 minute 2 ATA O2 exposure. This difference may be due to air breaks in protocol B’s or from differences in O2 diffusion through the skin, because the chamber was pressurized with O2 in protocol A and with air in protocol B.28–31 In protocol B, the increase in muscle O2 was more rapid in the initial 20 minute O2 exposure. This is attributed to the immediate breathing of 100% O2 at 2 ATA via the regulator in protocol B, whereas in protocol A, replacing the 2 ATA air in the chamber to 2 ATA 100% O2 (without a regulator) requires approximately 20 minutes at an ideal inflow rate of O2 at 400 L/min.32 The effectiveness of reduction in N2 tensions was different in the two protocols. Muscle N2 was reduced 653 mm Hg (720 to 67 mm Hg) or to 9.3% of its maximum 2 ATA air starting point in protocol A. In protocol B, the reduction was 602 mm Hg (733 to 131 mm Hg) to 17.98% of its maximum 2 ATA air starting point. The differences were significant (P < .001). This may have important ramifications for extravehicular space activities, because a 90-min 2 ATA O2 exposure would lessen the N2 washout time by less than one third of what it is for breathing O2 at sea level.33 In addition, the diffusion of gases through the skin may be important.34–37 Compression in air, as in the multiplace protocol, establishes a transcutaneous gradient favoring tissue uptake of N2. Conversely, compression in O2 as in the monoplace protocol establishes a transcutaneous N2 gradient favoring tissue N2 loss through skin. Hyperbaric air breaks, used primarily in multiplace protocols in an effort to reduce O2 toxicity, cause periodic tissue increments of N2 and decrements in O2 tensions. The initial report of this technique used a normoxic gas mixture at 3 ATA (7% O2 with 93% N2) to prevent in O2 toxicity.38 The effects of air breaks on tissue gas tensions are most apparent in MM but are also seen in the SQ tissues (Figure 4). This information provides a rationale for treating decompression illness without air breaks, such as the Hart treatment table.39,40 Early observations suggest that HBO exposure had little effect or slightly elevated tissue CO2 tensions.41–43 Subsequent mass spectroscopic analyses revealed that HBO depressed CO2 tension.13,14 We noted that protocol A’s HBO exposure reduced CO2 tension by 11% (approximately 4.3 mm Hg), while protocol B’s HBO exposure reduced it by 16% (approximately 7.5 mm Hg). Subcutaneous tissue CO2 tensions responded similarly (P < .001). Tissue CO2 tension declines seen by mass spectroscopy may reflect respiratory compensation (such as imperceptible hyperventilation) caused by the reduction in venous hemoglobin’s buffering capacity and acidosis. Venous hemoglobin’s CO2 carrying capacity is reduced in the presence of elevated O2 tensions due to the displacement of CO2 by the more firmly attached O2 molecules.44–46 Tissue Gas Tensions During Recovery in 1 ATA Air Thirty minutes of recovery in 1 ATA air was not sufficient for any measured gas to return to the precompression level. The O2 tensions in the SQ decreased less rapidly than those in MM, as has been observed before.3 A recent report using MRI noted that MM O2 tensions fell rapidly in contrast to those in solid tumor tissue, which remained elevated for at least 60 minutes after the HBO exposure.47 Change in CO2 tension during the recovery interval is remarkable, because there is a highly significant rise (P < .001) toward precompression levels. The MM N2 tensions returned to normal levels and the SQ N2 tensions responded less rapidly during the air breathing period. CONCLUSIONS Multiple mass spectroscopic analyses of the tensions of O2, CO2, and N2 in MM and adjacent SQ tissues were measured using two protocols. Protocol A approximated an exposure typical of an HBO treatment in monoplace chamber HBO treatment pressurized with O2 and without air breaks while protocol B approximated a multiplace chamber HBO treatment where the chamber is pressurized with air, and the subject breathes O2 through a regulator with intermittent air breaks. The objectives were to provide better resting human muscle and subcutaneous tissue O2, CO2, and N2 tension values than previously available and to compare the effects of representative HBO protocols on tissue O2 accumulation and tissue N2 washout. From more than 16,000 individual human tissue gas determinations we observed the following: (1) Normal room air values for resting human MM and SQ tissue O2, CO2 and N2 tensions ([MM O2: 28 mm Hg ± 7, MM N2:437mm Hg ± 47, MM CO2: 45mm Hg ± 4] [SQ O2: 44mm Hg ± 10, SQ N2:540mm Hg ± 55, SQ CO2: 38mm Hg ± 4]) There are differences in gas exchanges with protocols
A and B. In protocol A, MM N2
tension decreased 9% more than protocol B with 11% less O2 exposure time.
In protocol A, SQ O2
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Men Women Total Protocol A Number (%) 15(44) 21(66) 36(100) Mean Age (y ±) 38.9 Yrs ± 13 31 Yrs ± 6.5 34.5 ± 10.9 Mean Height/Inches (± SD) 70 ± 2.8 64.5 ± 2.2 66.8 ± 3.72 Mean Weight/Pounds (± SD) 184.4 ± 23.9 131.3 ± 18.7 153.4 ± 34.1 Protocol B Number (%) 12(36) 21(64) 33(100) Mean Age (y ± SD) 41.6 ± 13.4 31Yrs ± 6.5 35 ± 11.2 Mean Height (in ± SD) 70.3 ± 2.8 64.5 ± 2.2 66.8 ± 3.8 Mean Weight (lb ± SD) 184.5 ± 25.9 131.3 ± 18.7 150 ± 33 ‡Atmospheres
absolute. Table 2. Comparison of Protocols A and B Protocol A* Protocol B†
Exposure Accumulated
Exposure Accumulated 1 1 Air Baseline 0 1 Air Baseline 0 2 2 Air 30 min 30 min 2 Air 30 min 30 min 3 2 O2 90 min 120 min 2 O2 20 min 50 min 4 1 Air 30 min 150 min 2 Air 5 min 55 min 5 2 O2 20 min 75 min 6 2 Air 5 min 80 min 7 2 O2 20 min 100 min 8 2 Air 5 min 105 min 9 2 O2 20 min 125 min 10 2 Air 5 min 130 min 12 2 O2 20 min 150 min 13 1 Air 30 min 180 min *Compressed in O2 and breathing O2. †Compressed in air
and O2 breathing by SCUBA regulator. Table 3. Correction Constants (K) For Tissue Temperature
Male Female MM SQ MM SQ Mean Temperature 36.2 C 33.32 C 36.83 C 34.02 C O2 K 1.45 1.6 1.41 1.56 N2 K 1.39 1.55 1.35 1.51 CO2 K 1.12 1.17 1.11
1.16 Table 4. Two ATA Air, Protocol A
A: SQ Vs MM N2 A: SQ Vs MM O2 A: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 A20 NS 0.000001 1E–07 0.0012 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.0007 A21 NS 0.000017 1E–07 0.001 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.009 A22 NS 0.0073 1E–07 0.0001 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.014 A23 NS NS 1E–07 0.00009 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.017 A24 NS NS 1E–07 0.00002 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.021 A25 NS NS 1E–07 0.00003 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 0.035 A26 NS NS 1E–07 0.00002 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 NS A27 NS 0.043 1E–07 0.00001 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 NS A28 NS 0.043 1E–07 0.00001 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 NS O0 NS
0.045 1E–07
0.00009 1E–07 1E–07 NS
1E–07 NS Table 5. Protocol B
B: SQ Vs MM N2 B: SQ Vs MM O2 B: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 A20 NS 1E–07 1E–07 NS 1E–07 1E–07 0.05 1E–07 0.025 A21 NS 0.042 1E–07 NS 0.000009 1E-07 0.036 1E-07 0.023 A22 NS NS 1E-07 NS 0.00012 1E-07 0.027 1E-07 0.018 A23 NS NS 1E-07 NS 0.00014 1E-07 0.034 1E-07 0.024 A24 NS 0.03 1E-07 NS 0.00009 1E-07 NS 1E-07 0.046 A25 NS 0.005 1E-07 NS 0.00006 1E-07 0.04 1E-07 NS A26 NS 0.0012 1E-07 NS 0.00005 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A27 NS 0.00015 1E-07 NS 0.00003 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A28 NS 0.0007 1E-07 NS 0.00002 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O0 NS 0.029 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS SQ = subcutaneous tissue; MM = muscle; A2 = 2 ATA air; NS = no significant difference. P-Values: F- Test
= P1 t-Test = P2 Chi-square
test = P3 Table 6. Two ATA O2 , Protocol A
A: SQ Vs MM N2 A: SQ Vs MM O2 A: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 O0 NS 0.045 1E-07 0.00009 1E-07 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O1 0.03 NS 1E-07 0.04 0.0092 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O2 0.054 0.054 1E-07 0.057 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O3 NS 0.00003 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O4 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O5 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.037 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O6 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.035 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O7 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.027 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O8 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.018 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O9 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.015 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O10 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.0089 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O11 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.008 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O12 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.007 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O13 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.013 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O14 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.017 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O15 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.012 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O16 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.015 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O17 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.016 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O18 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.013 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O19 0.031 1E-07 1E-07 0.012 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O20 0.013 1E-07 1E-07 0.01 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O21 0.015 1E-07 1E-07 0.008 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O22 0.0017
1E-07 1E-07
0.013 NS
1E-07 NS
1E-07 NS Table 7. Two ATA Air, Protocol B
B: SQ Vs MM N2 B: SQ Vs MM O2 B: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 O0 NS 0.029 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O1 0.17 NS 1E-07 0.0001 0.003 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O2 NS 0.00002 1E-07 0.0006 0.0007 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O3 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.0011 0.001 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O4 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.003 …002 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O5 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.008 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O6 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.027 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O7 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O8 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.02 0.025 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O9 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.014 0.014 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O10 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.008 0.015 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O11 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.045 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O12 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.016 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O13 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O14 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.021 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O15 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.059 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O16 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O17 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O18 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.057 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O19 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.024 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O20 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O21 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O22 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O23 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O24 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O25 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.005 0.0005 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O26 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O27 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O28 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O29 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS O30 NS
1E-07 1E-07
1E-07 NS
1E-07 NS SQ = subcutaneous tissue; MM = muscle; A2 = 2 ATA air; NS = no significant difference. P-Values: F- Test = P1, t-Test = P2, Chi-square test = P3 Table 8. One ATA Air, Protocol A
A: SQ Vs MM N2 A: SQ Vs MM O2 A: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 A0 0.007 1E-07 1E-07 0.002 NS 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A1 0.051 1E-07 1E-07 0.0002 0.0016 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A2 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.000003 0.00002 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A3 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000003 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A4 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000003 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A5 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000004 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A6 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000006 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A7 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000008 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A8 NS
0.000001 1E-07
1E-07 0.000011 1E-07 NS
1E-07 NS Table 9. Protocol B
B: SQ Vs MM N2 B: SQ Vs MM O2 B: SQ Vs MM CO2 ISA P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 A0 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.025 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A1 NS 1E-07 1E-07 NS 0.00053 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A2 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.005 0.000008 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A3 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.00004 0.000001 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A4 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.000002 0.000001 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A5 NS 1E-07 1E-07 0.000001 0.000002 1E-07 NS 1E-07 NS A6 NS 1E-07 1E-07 1E-07 0.000004 1E-07 NS 1E-07 0.00001 SQ = subcutaneous tissue; MM
= muscle; A2 = 2 ATA air; NS = no significant
difference. P-Values: F- Test = P1 t-Test = P2 Chi-square test = P3 Table 10. Summary of Mean Gas Tensions mm Hg Exposure 1ATA Air 2 ATA Air 2 ATA O2
ATA Air Protocol
B MMCO2 45.4 45.6 45.1 45.2 40.8 37.7 41.9 40.4 MMN2 430 445 720 733 67 131.3 290 352 MMO2 28 30 34 38 192 214 41.9 44.3 SQCO2 39 39 39.6 39.8 35.9 34.3 37.4 36.4 SQN2 540 540 676 677 376 389 404 416 SQO2 45 43 54 53 238 211 114 97 A = Protocol A-36 subjects; B = Protocol B-33 subjects; MM = muscle; SQ = subcutaneous, Baseline gases, Figure 1. Mass Spectroscopy Probe. Wet membrane calibration from: Dry Gas: N2-380mm, 02-152mm, CO2-38 mm, and Ar-190 mm Hg. Figure 2. Adiabatic change in an occupied monoplace
chamber: subcutaneous and muscle N2 and O2: Protocol A. Figure 3. Subcutaneous and muscle N2 and O2: Protocol
A. Figure 4. Subcutaneous and muscle N2 and O2: Protocol
B. Figure 5. Subcutaneous and muscle CO2, Protocols
A and B. | |||||
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