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Volume 3, Number 1 Winter 2003

The Journal of Applied Research

Table of Contents

Synergestic Effects of Magnesium and Creatine on Ergogenic Performance in Rats
H. Dewayne Ashmead, Alain Bourdonnais, Stephen D. Ashmead

Diagnosing Acute Cardiac Ischemia in the Emergency Department:
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Catherine Milch, Ethan Balk, Deeb Salem, and Joseph Lau

Heat Tolerance in Patients with Type I and Type II Diabetes
Jerrold Scott Petrofsky, Chris Besonis, David Rivera, Ernie Schwab, and Scott Lee

Bacterial Degradation of Growth Factors
Wyatt G. Payne, Terry E. Wright, Francis Ko, Chad Wheeler, Xue Wang, and Martin C. Robson

The Possible Role of Mucosal Endogenous Prostacyclin in Human Peptic Ulcer Disease
Gabor A. Balint and Jozsef Nafradi

Selection of the Optimal Dose Ratio for a Controlled-Delivery Formulation
of Methylphenidate

Sharon B. Wigal, Dorothea Y. Sanchez, Heleen H. DeCory, Joyce M. D'Imperio, and
James M. Swanson

Role of Streptococcus sanguis and Traumatic Factors in Behçet's Disease
Emiko Isogai, Hiroshi Isogai, Satoshi Kotake, Shigeaki Ohno, Koichi Kimura, and Keiji Oguma

The Unique Processing of Glucagon in the Intestine in Traumatized Patients
Katsuhisa Tanjoh, Ryouichi Tomita, and Nariyuki Hayashi

Missed Injuries in Pediatric Trauma Patients
Jennifer S. Beaty, Akella Chendrasekhar, James Hopkins, and Lisa Gruelke

Gold-Standard? Analysis of the Videofluoroscopic and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Swallow Examinations
Noel Rao, Susan L. Brady, Gouri Chaudhuri, Joseph J. Donzelli, and Michele W. Wesling

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