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Out-Sourcing Medical
Care: What Clinicians Choose Does Matter* Byron C. Calhoun, MD, FACOG, FACSa Roderick F. Hume, MD, FACOG, FACSb aDepartment of OB/GYN Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, Washington
bRockford Medical
Center Rockford, Illinois
*The opinions or assertions contained herein are the
private views of the author and are not to be construed as official
or reflecting the views of the Department of the Army, Department
of the Air Force, or the Department of Defense.
KEY WORDS: Out-sourcing, medical care, clinician involvement ABSTRACT Objective: Recent changes in delivery of medical care as a result
of managed care attempt to use business methods of cost-benefit analysis.
Each system must evaluate the best practice for its own use. The best
practice patterns must intimately involve clinicians and may result
in the business practice of out-sourcing critical portions of healthcare
in specialized areas. Study design: Basic cost-benefit analysis following best practice
patterns described by the providers using the system to identify how
to decide about out-sourcing. Requirements of how to choose partners
in an out-sourcing environment were included. Results: Out-sourcing serum analyte screening and genetic testing
in a large DoD system provided the best solution with best practice
pattern for a large health organization. Conclusion: Each health care organization must examine carefully
its process for achieving best practice and include its clinical practitioners
as the key element to determine which partners to use in their particular
environment. INTRODUCTION Madigan Army Medical
Center (MAMC) provides tertiary and referral obstetrical/gynecologic
care in the Department of Defense for TRICARE Region IV, which includes
the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. There are twenty-four OB/GYN residents,
three maternal-fetal medicine fellows, and twelve attending staff.
Our population is ethnically, socially, and economically diverse coming
from essentially the entire United States and multiple foreign countries. Out-sourcing as a business strategy has
grown in popularity in recent years. Even manufacturing giants like
SONY took the plunge when they out-sourced to Solectron Corporation
of Milpitas, California, to manufacture parts of their electronics
production and their Play-station production to mainland China.1 This
idea may be applied, with clinician input, to best practice medicine
by allowing health organizations to analyze processes to find out
what may be out-sourced to others while maintaining excellent care. METHODS AND MATERIALS Framework analysis utilizes a simple outline
to define the challenge presented, the corporate structure, the partnership
process, the management control system, the out-sourcing decision,
selecting a partner, contract negotiations, and long-term management.2
Understanding how the out-sourcing process works is best achieved
with the use of a real clinical example undertaken at our institution. Section 1. Step-by-step
Analysis Framework-The Issue at Hand "Your blood test for Down's syndrome is positive." These
chilling words an obstetrician must speak to a patient over the phone
or in the clinic set the stage for us to explore how best to approach
out-sourcing in the Department of Defense (DoD) at my hospital. Serum
analyte testing has become the standard-of-care offering in pregnancy
from 15 to 22 weeks gestation to help rule out increased risks for
spina bifida, Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), and Trisomy 18 (extra
chromosome 18).3 It is exquisitely sensitive to gestational age dating,
maternal weight, and co-existing medical conditions like twins, diabetes,
and maternal ethnicity. Each gestational week uses a fairly sophisticated
mathematical calculation to come up with a risk profile based on multiples
of the median that are constantly recalculated based on the samples
received in the population tested. There were several ways for us to handle
this particular clinical conundrum. We could utilize the "free system"
set up by the DoD where we sent our maternal blood samples for Down's
syndrome to a national laboratory. We would have no expenses for our
hospital, except the minor shipping charges. However, we had no 24-hour
access to recalculation of laboratory results due to wrong pregnancy
dating, no access to genetic counselors, and no other genetic laboratory
testing. We could set up our own laboratory here at the hospital (as
some have done) to do our own in-house testing. This would take thousands
of dollars, hundreds to thousands of patients in each week group,
a dedicated laboratory staff, cytogenetic staff to run the laboratory,
and constant oversight for laboratory accuracy. The final solution
engendered included the evaluation of commercial laboratories to out-source
the work so that they would meet the rigid laboratory criteria, the
genetic support needs, and the right cost for the institution. The
tradeoff list for our evaluation looked like Table 1. Section 2. Step-by-step
Analysis Framework-Corporate Structure Analysis All issues at our hospital must work along
the structure as delineated in Table 2. We as the maternal-fetal medicine
division are responsible to the OB/GYN department chairman and would
need to come up with the cogent criteria to present for our reasons
for choosing our particular form of service. We needed to justify
and delineate this as one of our core issues. Once we affirmed we
needed to perform this core service, we felt we needed to narrow our
focus to come up with the necessary parts of the service. This would
include setting the priorities for the service. Each institution and
organization with clinician input must determine its core priorities.
We choose the following for maternal serum analyte screening: . Quality service to our patients (meeting or exceeding
national standards) . Accessible service to our users (OB/GYN-Maternal-Fetal
Medicine-Family . Medicine; 24/7 service) . Cost structure (including direct and indirect
costs to the organization and patients) . Identification of key areas of responsibilities
in the organization for smooth implementation (Pathology/Contracting/
Resource Management) . Support system to maintain the services (laboratory/genetic/clinical/administrative)
The next key issue to address regarding
out-sourcing, as noted by Applegate and Montealegre4 in their out-sourcing
framework analysis, was to determine how to choose the best partner
for your business. We at MAMC carefully evaluated the leading providers
of outside maternal serum analyte testing services from the view of
the end user. The Maternal-Fetal Division clinicians intimately participated
in the evaluation and selection process since they would be the ones
who had to live with the particular partner chosen. We desired to
find a partner to maintain, not necessarily the cheapest option, but
one with whom we could sustain a long and productive working relationship
over time. Thus, hard work at this stage will prevent future regrets
with the services provided (Table 3). The method of oversight for the out-sourcing
agreement must involve constant reporting of results, quality assurance,
and measurement of satisfaction of services for both parties.4 The
contractual agreement must allow the healthcare organization access
to data and the ability to use the data for analysis of outcomes and
comparisons across organizations. Particularly critical in the maternal
serum analyte process is the constant recalculation of multiple of
the median upon which to base clinical criteria for further intervention
such as amniocentesis and fetal echocardiography. We chose a policy
of quarterly reporting since this best fit our patient volume and
quality assurance process. A summary of our process is seen in Table
4. Section 2. Strengths
and Weaknesses The final analysis in the out-sourcing
framework analysis consists of discussion of the strengths and weaknesses
you perceive with your framework. This section must also provide any
thoughts you have on implementation difficulties, special considerations,
and the relationship among the issues you found to be important in
developing the framework. In our out-sourcing decision, we found
the following discussion points in the process: The Out-sourcing Decision . Core versus non-core services are something to
out-source to an excellent civilian laboratory (makes no sense to
have a military laboratory due to availability and quality of service) . Non-core services are bound into the core business
in the DoD (i.e., patient care for active duty/dependents) . Out-sourcing is a partnership with civilian provider
of care, not "dumping" of care (putting out care because it is best
for patients and institution) . Problems with the internal system will continue
(i.e., still need to follow up positive tests and counsel patients) Selecting a Partner . Must have a long-term track record of good care
(i.e., laboratory with large patient base and continued improvement) . Need a long-term player (has been in the prenatal
laboratory business for over 5 years) . Ensure that key players will be involved in long-term
managing of project (Pathology/Contracting/Resource Management/Command-must
all continue to have input with ability to reevaluate the process) . Understand how to "incentivize" the partner (allow
partner to make reasonable money on the contract) Contract Negotiations . Contract is a guideline and not an absolute "paint-by-numbers"
but a give and take situation (we re-negotiate our contract every
1 to 2 years and look at our data for false-positive tests [from 6%
to 3%]) . Define who owns the data/patients/service commitments
(laboratory will provide 24/7 backup for testing and genetic counseling
and we will counsel the patients and recalculate numbers and our own
regional data) . Each side should be clear about what the contract
does and does not provide (we provide patient care and the laboratory
provides excellence in care for the lab work) Long-Term Management . Command and control is long-term with significant
time commitment to the program . Services change based on the controls in place
and then redone with emphasis on the players involved (i.e., the laboratory
must meet DoD requirements for contracting and the hospital must be
able to adapt its needs to the new criteria for patient care and national
standards) . Each organization needs to recognize that future
challenges are changing corporate structures in the civilian world
and military world (we have a whole new command structure with a meaner/leaner
environment, and the laboratory has exponential explosion of genetic
diagnosis and procedures) The implementation issues we found were
related to the misunderstanding by the Command structure about prenatal
diagnosis and genetics in a large regional center. The Pathologists
had trouble with "costs" because they only saw the amount of money
spent on testing and not how much time was spent on the back end of
things with a positive test at a cut-rate laboratory. This meant that
the pathologists saw nothing wrong with a false-positive test rate
of 6% versus 3%. However, they did not understand the amount of time
and energy involved in scheduling ultrasonographs, counseling sessions,
and meeting the increased demand of patients. They also did not understand
the huge amount of anxiety and hidden costs placed on the patients
in our region who would have to drive up to 3 to 4 hours for an appointment.
Furthermore, since these were "panic" results, we had to force book
patients in our schedule and do walk-ins at a greater frequency. Quality issues played a significant role
as well since the major end users in our system (the Maternal-Fetal
Division) both had very bad experiences with a cheaper laboratory
for definitive amniocentesis testing with wrong results and poor service.
So, cheaper would not be better for the patients or the risk-management
team. This does not include the exceptional cost to the patients and
unnecessary risks to the patient and her fetus (difficult to cost
analysis). We utilize our volume issues (approximately
2000 patients a year at our hospital alone) to negotiate a volume
discount on maternal serum testing as well as negotiating the follow-on
cytogenetic testing to be done at their laboratory. The Command saw
the utility of quality services, the Risk-Management loved the idea
of a quality laboratory not placing the institution at risk, the Resource
Management people saw a way to control costs, the Regional representatives
knew their patients would not have to travel long distances for no
reason, and the clinicians received quality service and support. Special considerations needed included
the sensitivity of pathology to being tasked to financially support
laboratory as an unfunded mandate. We carefully interacted with the
Resource Management Offices to ensure the Command financial support
with Contracting Offices to ensure the best price, best contract,
and federally guided document. We also strove to interact with the
regional hospitals to keep them informed of who and how we would do
our testing so they understood how this would favorably impact their
patients' care and decrease patient travel/anxiety. Finally, we stressed
to our Family Medicine and OB/GYN departments how this particular
laboratory had tremendous value added when done in the right framework
of care with continued quality analysis and cost accounting. We found that the most critical part of
this process continued to be the relationships among the key players
at each of the levels. We needed constant formal and informal communications.
We used e-mail, memos, and face-to-face meetings. We did monthly meetings
initially with all the people involved and then quarterly. We started
with the hands-on personnel and kept the leadership at all levels
informed of progress along the patient care and financial fronts.
This process took a lot of time and effort but has been well worth
it. We have continued to have only a 2% to 3% false-positive rate
for our analyte testing. We monitor this on a quarterly basis with
the vendor, pathology, and ourselves. We renegotiate the contract
every 2 years now after reassessment of the service. Most importantly,
both our clinicians and the patients enthusiastically support the
service. REFERENCES 1. Why some Sony gear is made in Japan
by another company. Wall Street J CCXXXVII(116), Thursday, June 11,
2001. 2. Applegate LM, Montealegre R: Harvard
Business School, 9-192-030, September, 1995, pp 1-24. 3. American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists Educational Bulletin #228. Maternal Serum Screening,
September, 1996. 4. Applegate LM, Montealegre R: Harvard
Business School, 9-192-030, September, 1995, pp 9-10. | |||||
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